Wednesday 17 August 2011

Apple's Online Store Gets More Social With Twitter and Facebook Links

Following today's mysterious downtime for Apple's online stores, users have been scouring the store pages to look for any changes. While the store remains largely unchanged with no major new product offerings, Apple does appear to have made one small change to its Mac Pro model selection page, changing the "select" button for each model into a combination button with a drop-down section allowing users to post a link to the configuration to Twitter or Facebook.

Clicking on the options allows users to customize the postings on either service.

Curiously, the addition has not yet made it to the product pages for Apple's other products, so it is unclear whether Apple is merely running an initial test of the feature with the Mac Pro or if the incomplete roll-out is due to other factors perhaps related to the issues that apparently brought the store down entirely for several hours earlier today.

Apple has been gradually building social features, primarily linked to Facebook and Twitter, into its offerings for some time now. One of the earliest and highest-profile additions came in the form of sharing options in the iTunes Store, launched with iTunes 9 nearly two years ago.

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